250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (2024)

250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (1)

The start of any road trip is rife with excitement.

But when the buzz dies down and the conversation dries up, you can soon find yourself getting bored.

That’s when it pays to have some quality road trip questions up your sleeve!

The best questions for a road trip mean there’s always something to talk about, helping to pass the time and avoid any awkward silences.

Are you looking for some quality car ride questions?

I hope you enjoy these 250 epic questions for road trips!

[Last updated: April 2023]

…Looking for laughs as well as conversation in the car?

Check out these jokes about camping too!

20 Best Questions for a Road Trip

1. Where did you grow up?

2. Where do you want to be in 10 years’ time?

3. What’s your favourite colour?

4. What’s your favourite food?

5. How do you take your coffee?

6. Which sense (touch, taste, smell…etcetera) would you choose to lose if you HAD to pick one, and why?

7. What was the proudest moment of your childhood?

8. What life goals do you have?

9. What hobbies do you have?

10. How do you normally spend a rainy afternoon?


“What strange things do you do that nobody else knows about?”

12. What would you do/where would you go if a zombie apocalypse hit tomorrow?

13. Which 5 people (real or fictional) would you choose to have with you in a survival situation?

14. What are your political opinions?

15. What are your thoughts on religion?

16. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done in life?

17. Would you live forever if you could?

18. What or who would you miss most if you died tomorrow?

19. Who’s been the biggest influence on your life and why?

20. What guilty pleasures do you have?

250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (2)

You might also like these 50 interesting facts about travel.

20 Random Road Trip Questions

21. Who’s your favourite celebrity and why?

22. Have you ever had any ghostly encounters and, if so, what happened?

23. Would you rather watch a horror movie or a chick flick?

24. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without showering/bathing?

25. Which element (earth, water, wind, or fire) do you most associate yourself with, and why?

26. What’s the best and biggest road trip you’ve done prior to this one?

27. Would you rather be gifted experiences or items for your birthday/Christmas?

28. What’s the single biggest purchase you’ve ever made?

29. Would you rather drink coffee or tea?

30. Would you rather plan everything to a tee or be totally spontaneous?


“What’s one thing people describe you as that you disagree with?”

32. Who was your favourite teacher when you were at school, and why?

33. Would you rather have endless wealth or total contentment? FYI, here’s some advice on how to escape the rat race!

34. Would you rather spend the day at a theme park or the zoo?

35. What’s your favourite way to relax?

36. What’s one talent you wish you had but don’t (right now)?

37. What are your best pick-up lines?

38. What’s the drunkest you’ve ever been and what happened?

39. What actor would you get to play you in a film?

40. Who was your first childhood/teenage crush?

250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (3)

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  • These 20 road trip games for couples
  • This list of 50 funny road trip quotes
  • This list full of quotes about roads in life
  • This list of 85+ road trip trivia games and questions
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20 Personal Car Ride Questions

41. What’s the most famous person you’ve ever met?

42. What’s your favourite movie in the whole world?

43. Would you rather hike up a mountain or watch a movie?

44. Are you more of a budget backpacker or luxury traveller at heart?

45. Which book has had the biggest impact on your life?

46. What’s your biggest fear?

47. What turns you on most in the bedroom?

48. What 3 things would you wish for if you had a magic genie?

49. What are the first 3 things you’d do/buy if you won the lottery?

50. What’s your favourite instrument?


“What were 3 highlights of the last 12 months?”

…Can’t think of any? Here’s what to do about it.

52. Would you rather be super fast or super strong?

53. What’s your spirit animal, and why?

54. What are your 3 best qualities/traits?

55. What are your 3 worst qualities/traits?

56. What’s the best book you’ve ever read?

57. Would you rather live near the mountains or the sea, and why?

58. Which foreign country could you imagine yourself living in?

59. Have you ever had any near-death experiences?

60. What do you think happens after you die?

250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (4)

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20 Quick-Fire Fun Questions for a Car Ride

61. What’s your favourite sport?

62. What’s quotes or sayings do you live by?

63. What kind of music do you like listening to (and you can’t say a bit of everything!)?

64. What kind of music do you hate listening to?

65. What’s your favourite place in the whole entire world?

66. Would you describe yourself as a morning or a night person?

67. What belief/ideal would you go to prison defending?

68. Would you rather have a son or a daughter, and why?

69. What’s the best date you’ve ever been on?

70. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?


“Are you more of a dog or a cat person?”

72. Which film or TV character do you most relate to and why?

73. Would you rather eat plain food for the rest of your life, or never have sex again?

74. What foreign language do you wish you could speak?

75. Which family member are you closest to?

76. How old were you when you lost your virginity?

77. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done or been privy to?

78. What’s your favourite childhood memory?

79. What’s your favourite song?

80. Have you ever suffered a broken heart and, if so, what happened?

250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (5)

20 Thought-Provoking Questions for a Car Ride

81. How would you define ‘beauty’?

82. Which country in the world do you love most, and why?

83. What are your pet peeves?

84. What are you most passionate about in life?

85. What makes you most angry in life?

86. What are your thoughts on marriage?

87. As a child, what profession did you want to have when you grew up?

88. What were you like as a child?

89. What superpower would you choose?

90. Would you rather always be early or always be late?


“What year in time would you travel back to if you have the chance?”

92. Would you rather eat great food or drink great wine?

93. What does your ideal partner look like?

94. What one characteristic about yourself would you change, given the chance?

95. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

96. What would you take to a desert island if you could only pack 3 things?

97. Would you rather have arms for legs or legs for arms?

98. Who’s the most important person in your life and why?

99. What does your perfect day look like from start to finish?

100. What’s your primary love language (the way you express/receive love)?

250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (6)

20 Whimsical Road Trip Conversation Starters

101. What 5 things are at the top of your bucket list?

102. Where in the world do you want to travel to next and why?

103. Would you rather be a sad king/queen or a happy stable boy/girl?

104. Have you ever broken any bones and, if so, which one(s)?

105. What makes you anxious?

106. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

107. What’s the funniest face you can pull?

108. Would you describe yourself as a competitive person?

109. What’s the longest you’ve ever been away from home for?

110. Would you rather sweat profusely or fart uncontrollably in public?


“What’s the most trouble you’ve ever been in?”

112. What superhero name would you give yourself?

113. What’s been your biggest achievement in life so far?

114. What’s been your biggest failure in life so far?

115. How many kids, if any, do you want when you’re older?

116. What car would you drive if money wasn’t a factor?

117. When was the last time you were totally happy?

118. Would you rather be old and wise or young and stupid?

119. What’s the weirdest piece of trivia you can think of right now?

120. What influencers do you follow on social media, and why?

250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (7)

20 “Least/Most” Questions for Car Rides

121. What’s your least favourite word in the whole world?

122. What’s your favourite word in the whole world?

123. What personality traits do you find most attractive in someone?

124. What physical features do you find most attractive in someone?

125. What’s your least favourite thing about the world right now, and why?

126. What’s your favourite thing about the world right now?

127. What was your least favourite class at highschool/college?

128. What was your favourite class at highschool/college?

129. Who’s your least favourite superhero and why?

130. Who’s your favourite superhero and why?


“What’s your least favourite type of food?”

132. What’s your favourite type of food?

133. What’s your least favourite co*cktail?

134. What’s your favourite co*cktail?

135. What’s your least favourite part of getting older?

136. What’s your favourite part of getting older?

137. What’s your favourite time of day and/or year, and why?

138. What’s your most treasured memory from the last 10 years?

139. What’s your least favourite part of being a [insert their job title here]?

140. What’s your favourite part of being a [insert their job title here]?

250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (8)

20 Fun Road Trip Questions for Couples

141. If you had to describe our relationship in one word, what would it be?

142. What do you think our life together will look like in a years time?

143. What’s your favourite part of my body?

144. What’s one thing I do that you couldn’t live without?

145. What were your first thoughts when we met for the first time?

146. Would you rather never cuddle again or never kiss again?

147. Of all the dates we’ve been on, which was your favourite?

148. What’s your secondary love language?

149. What are the 3 things you like most and least about me?

150. How would you describe the perfect relationship in 3 words?


“Would you prefer to have a son or a daughter? And why?”

152. What are your thoughts on open relationships?

153. How many people have you slept with in the past?

154. What’s your priority? Career or family?

155. What are 3 things I do at home that you don’t like?

156. When it comes to relationships, what would describe as cheating?

157. What are 5 essential personality traits you look for in a partner?

158. Which film do you think best mirrors our relationship?

159. Where should we go on our next vacation?

160. [Name 1], [Name 2], and [Name 3]. Who would you snog, marry, and avoid?

250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (9)

20 Funny Road Trip Questions to Ask in the Car (Funny Car Questions)

161. Are hotdogs sandwiches? Defend your case!

162. Is cereal soup? Defend your case!

163. If you could start a new conspiracy theory, what would it be?

164. Who do you think smells the worst out of our friendship group?

165. What’s the strangest place you’ve ever gone for a number 1 or 2?

166. What’s the most embarrassing item of clothing in your wardrobe?

167. What’s a guilty pleasure you have in terms of the music you like?

168. You have three words to insult me. Which would you choose?

169. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you at someone else’s house?

170. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to someone?


“Who was the worst dinner guest you ever had and why?”

172. What funny nickname would you give me and why?

173. You pass a stranger on the street. What’s the creepiest thing you could say to them?

174. What childhood event are you most embarrassed about?

175. If you got arrested, what crime would your family assume you’d done?

176. You wake up one day in the year 1750. How do you prove to people you’re from the future?

177. What would be the worst possible situation in which to have diarrhea?

178. Would you rather french kiss your dad or your dog?

179. Which movie(s) do you secretly love but would never admit to people?

180. What’s the most inappropriate place you’ve ever farted?

250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (10)

40 Trivia Questions for Long Car Rides

181. Who wrote Winnie the Pooh? (A: A. A. Milne)

182. What is the loudest animal on the planet? (A: Sperm Whales)

183. Most humans have what colour eyes? (A: Brown)

184. Which country has the world’s oldest forest? (A: Australia)

185. Which NFL team has played in the Super Bowl more than any other? (A: New England Patriots)

186. In which city was John Lennon killed? (A: New York)

187. Which beer is nicknamed the “King of Beers”? (A: Budweiser)

188. Which colour of M&M is the rarest? (A: Brown)

189. Which blood type would you have to be to become a universal donor? (A: O Negative)

190. In English, BMW stands for what? (A: Bavarian Motor Works)


“5 of Snow White’s 7 dwarves had a name ending in “Y”. What were they?”

192. What is the official name of the bird in Twitter’s logo? (A: Larry)

193. Which musician’s real name is actually Stefani Germanotta? (A: Lady Gaga)

194. Which planet is the largest one in our solar system? (A: Jupiter)

195. What tree grows from an acorn? (A: Oak)

196. The US flag has how many red stripes? (A: 7)

197. What’s the largest lizard in the world? (A: Komodo dragons)

198. Only one type of fruit in the world has its seeds on the outside. Which is it? (A: Strawberry)

199. Which letter in the English alphabet is used more than any other? (A: “E”)

200. What breed of dog is the tallest in the world? (A: Great Danes)

201. What’s the largest continent on earth? (A: Asia)

202. Which European city is called “The Eternal City?” (A: Rome)

203. What’s the tallest mountain in Canada? (A:

204. What’s the largest island in the world? (A: Greenland)

205. Which country has the biggest population? (A: China)

206. Which island nation has no venomous snakes? (A: New Zealand)

207. Which country spans 11 different time zones? (A: Russia)

208. Which two countries border Costa Ria? (A: Nicaragua and Panama)

209. What type of leaf is on the Canadian flag? (A: Maple leaf)

210. Sugarloaf Mountain stands over which South American city? (A: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

211. Which famous highway in America traverses 2,448 miles across the country? (A: Route 66)

212. Where is Lake Como? (A: Italy)

213. Which three bordering US states all begin with the letter “I?” (A: Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa)

214. The lost city of Petra lies in which country? (A: Jordan)

215. Which two countries share the northern border of Hungary? (A: Slovakia and Ukraine)

216. Which country has the most pyramids? Hint: it isn’t Egypt! (A: Sudan)

217. Which country owns Antarctica? (A: No one does, it’s shared and managed by 12 different countries through the Antarctic Treaty)

218. What’s the largest city north of the Arctic Circle? (A: Murmansk)

219. What’s the name of the tallest volcano on Earth? (A: Mauna Kea, Hawaii)

220. What’s the driest place on Earth? (A: The McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica)

30 Would You Rather Road Trip Questions for All Occasions

221. Would you rather do a skydive or a bungee jump? Why?

222. Would you rather live in the city or the countryside? Why?

223. Would you rather be able to read minds or speak every language in the world? Why?

224. Would you rather aliens or ghosts be real? Why?

225. Would you rather it be spring, summer, autumn, or winter? Why?

226. Would you rather be old and famous or young and poor? Why?

227. Would you rather play it safe or take a risk? Why?

228. Would you rather go back in time or go to the future? Why?

229. Would you rather be super smart or super strong? Why?

230. Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains? Why?

231. Would you rather be constantly too hot or too cold? Why?

232. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible? Why?

233. Would you rather be spiderman or batman? Why?

234. Would you rather be super musical or super sporty? Why?

235. Would you rather have your own personal masseuse or your own personal chef? Why?

236. Would you rather have a name nobody can remember or a face nobody can remember? Why?

237. Would you rather be smart but mean or sweet but stupid? Why?

238. Would you rather be trapped in Game or Thrones or Lord of the Rings? Why?

239. Would you rather give up the internet or eat the same meal for the rest of your life? Why?

240. Would you rather go to a concert or a movie? Why?

241. Would you rather be unable to remember anything or unable to forget anything? Why?

242. Would you rather take the red pill or the blue pill? Why?

243. Would you rather travel the world and be lonely or stay put and have lots of friends? Why?

244. Would you rather read a book or watch a movie marathon all day? Why?

245. Would you rather have a pet dog or a pet cat? Why?

246. Would you rather never fail or never be rejected ever again? Why?

247. Would you rather be the president of the United States or the richest person on the planet? Why?

248. Would you rather always have the hiccups or be unable to stop sneezing? Why?

249. Would you rather have sweat patches or BO? Why?

250. Would you rather be able to travel through time or teleport? Why?

Try These Questions for Road Trips

Road trips are always full of excitement and anticipation.

Yet after hours together on the road, it’s natural for the conversation to run a little dry.

Hopefully, the 250 road trip questions in this post have provided all the inspiration you needed to spark the dialogue back up and rekindle the fun!

Which questions for road trips did you like best? Drop me a comment to let me know.

And don’t forget to check out these road trip games for couples.

250 Epic Road Trip Questions for Long Car Rides - What's Danny Doing (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.