Caramelized Shallot Pasta Recipe (2025)

By Alison Roman

Caramelized Shallot Pasta Recipe (1)

Total Time
40 minutes
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This pasta is all about the shallots, cooked down in a bath of olive oil to a jammy, caramelized paste. Tomato paste is there for tanginess, and anchovies for saltiness, but they serve more as background flavors to the sweetness of the shallot. This recipe makes enough caramelized shallot mixture for a double batch of pasta, or simply keep it refrigerated to spoon over fried eggs, or to serve underneath crispy chicken thighs or over roasted root vegetables like carrots or sweet potatoes.

Featured in: The Tomato-y, Shallot-y Pasta You Didn’t Know You Wanted

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Yield:4 servings

  • ¼cup olive oil
  • 6large shallots, very thinly sliced
  • 5garlic cloves, 4 thinly sliced, 1 finely chopped
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1teaspoon red-pepper flakes, plus more to taste
  • 1(2-ounce) can anchovy fillets (about 12), drained
  • 1(4.5-ounce) tube or (6-ounce) can of tomato paste (about ½ to ¾ cup)
  • 10ounces pasta
  • 1cup parsley, leaves and tender stems, finely chopped
  • Flaky sea salt

Ingredient Substitution Guide

Nutritional analysis per serving (4 servings)

546 calories; 16 grams fat; 2 grams saturated fat; 0 grams trans fat; 11 grams monounsaturated fat; 2 grams polyunsaturated fat; 84 grams carbohydrates; 9 grams dietary fiber; 17 grams sugars; 19 grams protein; 874 milligrams sodium

Note: The information shown is Edamam’s estimate based on available ingredients and preparation. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice.

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Caramelized Shallot Pasta Recipe (2)


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  1. Step


    Heat olive oil in a large heavy-bottomed Dutch oven over medium high. Add shallots and thinly sliced garlic, and season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the shallots have become totally softened and caramelized with golden-brown fried edges, 15 to 20 minutes.

  2. Add red-pepper flakes and anchovies. (No need to chop the anchovies; they will dissolve on their own.) Stir to melt the anchovies into the shallots, about 2 minutes.

  3. Step


    Add tomato paste and season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring constantly to prevent any scorching, until the tomato paste has started to cook in the oil a bit, caramelizing at the edges and going from bright red to a deeper brick red color, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat and transfer about half the mixture to a resealable container, leaving the rest behind. (These are your leftovers to be used elsewhere: in another batch of pasta or smeared onto roasted vegetables, spooned over fried eggs or spread underneath crispy chicken thighs.)

  4. Step


    To serve, cook pasta according to package instructions in a large pot of salted boiling water until very al dente (perhaps more al dente than usual). Transfer to Dutch oven with remaining shallot mixture (or a skillet if you are using the leftover portion) and 1 cup pasta water. Cook over medium-high heat, swirling the skillet to coat each piece of pasta, using a wooden spoon or spatula to scrape up any bits on the bottom, until pasta is thick and sauce has reduced and is sticky, but not saucy, 3 to 5 minutes.

  5. Step


    In a small bowl, combine parsley and finely chopped garlic clove, and season with flaky salt and pepper. Divide pasta among bowls, or transfer to one large serving bowl, and top with parsley mixture and a bit more red-pepper flakes, if you like.



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Cooking Notes

Bob Rosen

I'm surprised at the medium-high heat recommended for caramelizing the shallots.In my experience, shallots are much more sensitive to cooking temperature than onions — and are prone to burn if cooked too quickly.I'd suggest turning the heat down just as soon as the shallots have begun to sizzle a bit — otherwise they'll be burned well before they've fully caramelized.

Allan Rivlin

You could replace anchovies with a kalamata olive tapenade and/or reconstitute some sun-dried tomatoes in water and fine chop.


As one of the Instagram messengers who asked for this — with zero expectation —thank you times a million! For those asking for an anchovy substitute, that’s kinda like reading a recipe for olive oil cake and then asking what can be used instead. I’d try with a smaller amount Of anchovies — even just 1 or 2 — and work your way up. Cooked like this they somehow both disappear into subtlety while exploding with savoriness. I used to think I hated anchovies, but I don’t anymore thanks to Alison.


Any suggestions for an anchovie substitute?

Bonnie Tawse

On Instagram earlier today, Alison Roman said (in so many words) this dish is all about the anchovies so do not ask about an anchovy substitute, just make a different pasta dish.


The things you learn...Preparing this tonight. Local market had choice of Hunts Tomato Paste and Hunts No-Salt-Added Tomato Paste. With salt from the anchovies and that used in caramelization, wanted to be careful with additional salt. Bought both and decided I'd figure it out later.Back home, I checked ingredients and nutritional values. Want to know the difference between the two? The labeling! Nothing else. Otherwise identical. It's just marketing.Who'd a thunk it? Caveat emptor


Umeboshi paste (made from Japanese fermented plums) is a terrific vegan substitute for anchovies.


Serious Eats says 1 Large Shallot = 1/2 cup minced or sliced. 1 Medium Shallots = 1/4 cup minced or sliced. 1 Small Shallots = 2 tablespoons minced


i want to know how anyone can cook thinly sliced garlic, over medium heat, for 15-20 minutes without them burning to a bitter mess. no, i don't think so. i would add them maybe 5 minutes before the end of the cooking process. this is like recipes that say to cook onions until caramelized.. 10 -15 minutes. in your dreams, plan 30 - 45 or more minutes for that.


So can anybody who has had success with recipe tell me about how much in grams or ounces you need for the shallots. Large means nothing to me.It is a shame that people who write recipes like this for mass consumption can not be more specific on the amounts of ingredients.


ATK's taste test had King Oscar (tin) as the favorite brand, with Ortiz in the glass jar in 2nd. Ortiz is about $13, King Oscar less than $3.


Help! Is one shallot the whole bulb or just one of the “cloves” inside?


This was insanely good. Completely addictive, just kept wanting to go back for more long after I was full. Made it exactly according to the recipe, used spaghetti. I always thought I didn’t like anchovies until I started using NYT cooking.

Prakash Nadkarni

Anchovies are a concentrated umami source. The closest substitute is fish sauce, as Andrew points out: see Harold McGee's "On Food and Cooking". The Romans' fish sauce was called Garum: after it went out of fashion, anchovies replaced it - both are fermented fish products. If you're vegan, use fermented soybean paste or miso, which are more intense than soy sauce. (Olives and capers are nice, but lack umami, which is due to savory amino acids, primarily glutamate, from a protein source.)


Anchovies cooked taste almost nothing like anchovies out of the can. If you are worried about it, reduce the quantity. If you want to eliminate them completely, it won't taste the same. Be brave!


So, I've made this a couple times now. The first time, I was underwhelmed. The second time, I enjoyed it a lot more. I'm sure the third time I will like it even more. The secret is to add MORE pasta water. Diluting the paste really helps the overall flavor, otherwise it will be too achovy-y or too tomato paste-y acidic-y. Add at least 1 cup of pasta water, maybe more, and it's great. Next time I will add fresh tomato for additional sweetness to balance everything out.


Delicious!! Bucatini a must. Cooked shallots on medium and added garlic towards the end. Caramelized perfectly in 15-20. Read a review and added a little lemon zest. Good add but not necessary. Served with a light green salad.

Mandy P

This was so good. I will make it probably 1000 more times.


I’m really extra, I added sardine and capers.


Used a whole tube of anchovies rather than tinned, about 2 tsp cracked red pepper. Otherwise held to recipe exactly, except I put a lot of Parm on top because I like my wets dusted. Insanely good.


So i’m confused about the serving step. Am I cooking the pasta in a dutch oven with the tomato paste or a skillet?


I just couldn’t get this to work. It wasn’t about the anchovies. It was cooking it. It kind of turned into this huge clump of tomato paste. I clicked the link in the description and mine didn’t look like hers. I followed the recipe. Didn’t change anything (there’s not much to change). The only thing I noticed was that my Dutch oven was slightly smaller than hers. Idk. My tomato paste was scrotching I think. Tried adding more oil but that just made it oily.


Allison makes too big a deal of peeling those shallots in the video—this dish is pretty effortless. I don’t really know what constitutes a large shallot, so I typically use 8-10; it’s not an exact science. I definitely caramelize them on medium though, in a skillet. I usually cook my spaghetti for 7 minutes before swirling it with the shallot ragu and the pasta water. For those of you who salt your pasta water á la Samin Nosrat, hold back; you’re halfway to the sea with the anchovies!


Can’t go wrong with extra shallots in this, you’ll have more leftovers! Would recommend less than 1c of pasta water, you really just need enough to get the sauce all over your pasta.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Just use the whole shallot anchovy tomato mixture in the pasta. You won’t regret it.


I forgot to buy shallots so I subbed 2.5 small yellow onions. This was still delicious! The red pepper flakes were a bit too spicy for some of my family members, though, so you might want to adjust if you’re sensitive to spicy food.

Thomas Johnson

We have made this delicious recipe 15 times. We will probably make it 250 times before we die. The flavor, the ease of preparation, the power of the umami bomb all come together in a beautiful dish great for family or guests. It’s on our menu for next Sunday.


Made exactly as per the recipe (with linguine). Very, very yummy and will definitely be in regular rotation. Comes together quick and easy with regular pantry staples. Next time I will reduce chilis for my heat-averse husband, but I thought it was just right.

Jackson Condrey

Otherwise, tasted great. Sweet/savory. But the house smelled like shallots/garlic.


Outstanding! Made it exactly according to recipe and it was perfect!

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Caramelized Shallot Pasta Recipe (2025)


How long do caramelized shallots last in the fridge? ›

I like to make a batch of these caramelized shallots and store them in a jar in the fridge, they keep for weeks! I find that I can use them for a number of things: They are a fabulous addition to salads… purée them into a paste to use like a savory jam for cheese plates…

How long does shallot paste last? ›

The caramelized shallot paste is perfect to make ahead, as you can store it in a jar and keep it in the fridge for up to a month.

What can you do with shallots? ›

Adding raw shallots to salads, using them minced in salad dressing, pickling them, caramelizing them, frying them, roasting them on their own or with other vegetables and using them in béarnaise sauce (one of their main claims to fame) are just a few ways to use these versatile vegetables.

When should you throw away shallots? ›

Kept in a cool, dark, and dry place (i.e., not in the fridge, where moisture lives), shallots will stay good for weeks. If they develop soft spots or start sprouting, the shallots should be discarded.

What do shallots look like when they go bad? ›

When fresh, shallots should be firm and not have any soft spots. If you notice any mushy spots on the shallot or notice the shallot feels extremely light, it may signify that the shallot has started to dry out and spoil. If the shallot has started to sprout, this is also a sign of spoilage.

Do shallots get bitter when cooked? ›

They both caramelize when sautéed, but shallots can become bitter if cooked over high heat, while onions will not. In this way, shallots are similar to garlic. One area where they also overlap—cutting onions and shallots is known to make you tear up.

How do you know when shallots are cooked? ›

You'll want the shallots to become soft, so pierce them with a butter knife to tell if they are cooked enough. Overcooked shallots will become tough, so finding that sweet spot in between is important.

How many shallots in a cup? ›

We use the following basic equivalencies: 1 Large Shallot = 1/2 cup minced or sliced. 1 Medium Shallot = 1/4 cup minced or sliced. 1 Small Shallot = 2 tablespoons minced or sliced.

How do you store shallots long term? ›

After the shallots have been cured, cut off the dry foliage, place the bulbs in a mesh bag and store the shallots in a cool (32 to 40 F), dry (60 to 70 percent relative humidity) location. When properly cured and stored, shallots can be successfully stored for six months or longer.

Can you mix onions and shallots? ›

Some chefs favor shallots because their subtle allium flavor doesn't as easily overpower other flavors in a dish. That said, both onions and shallots are commonly used in professional kitchens, often even in conjunction.

What pairs well with shallots? ›

  • Red Apple.
  • Mango.
  • Green Apple.
  • Fig.
  • Lemon White.
  • Ripe Peach.
  • Blackberry Ginger.
  • Plum Agretti.
Nov 23, 2015

Why do chefs use shallots instead of onions? ›

Ideal for aromatic recipes, shallots act as building blocks that bolster other flavors in the dish. Chefs use them to accent dishes and sauces with a mellow, acidic pop that's softer than onions or garlic.

Which is healthier onion or shallot? ›

In particular, shallots contain a higher amount of fiber and are rich in vitamin B6, manganese, copper, folate, and vitamin C. While onions are lower in calories, shallots contain a higher amount of several vitamins and minerals.

How long do caramelised onions last in fridge? ›

If you're going to spend an hour or so making caramelized onions, you might as well make a lot of them! Stored in an airtight container in the fridge, they'll keep for a week. You can also freeze them for up to two months. I like to freeze caramelized onions in ice cube trays.

Do shallots go bad in the fridge? ›

How long do shallots last in the fridge? Once cut, shallots will last several days if they are sealed in plastic bags and refrigerated. Whole shallots stored in the refrigerator will keep for 2 months.

How long do fried shallots last in the fridge? ›

Once cooked, drained and completely cooled, homemade fried shallots will maintain their flavor and crispness for around two weeks, though whether they last that long will depend on your own willpower (and how good your hiding place is).

Do caramelized onions expire? ›

If you've made caramelized onions at home, it's best to use them within 3-4 days. You can also store them in the freezer for up to 3 months for longer shelf life. How do you tell if Caramelized Onions is bad? The telltale signs that caramelized onions have gone bad are a sour smell, moldy patches, or a slimy texture.

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