Flight Attendants Are Sharing The Most Entitled Passengers They've Dealt With, And I'm Disgusted (2024)

Table of Contents
A while back, Reddit user u/glittercorpse asked, "Flight attendants, both past and present, what’s the most entitled behavior you’ve seen from a passenger?" The stories they had truly were truly heinous. Here's what they had to say: 1. "One time, a woman got quite angry because her daughter spilled apple juice all over herself, and there wasn't a clothes dryer on the plane for her daughter's sweater." 2. "I was on a flight with really bad turbulence. It went on for about 10 minutes, then the old lady next to me reached up and pressed her button. The flight attendant walks over to see if the woman is okay; the woman begins to yell at the attendant for the rough flight and says that she’s been flying her whole life, and clearly, the pilot has no idea what he’s doing. The stewardess just walked away." 3. "I was on a Vegas to Boston flight when a passenger passed away in his sleep. The whole situation was heartbreaking, and the flight attendants were clearly shaken. We stopped in NY for emergency personnel to attend to him. The whole process was very quick, and the pilot and staff handled it like champs. Just as we were about to take off, a guy in the front row asked the attendant if we would all get free drinks due to the inconvenience. I've never wanted to yell at a stranger so much in my life." 4. "I watched someone have a meltdown because I had to have them properly stow their wedding dress. The thing was massive and spilled into the aisle, blocking the seats of the entire row. They may have had to pay the hotel to get the wrinkles out but I likely saved them from shoe prints and beverage cart rollers going back and forth over it. Still, she was in tears, and I was not going to risk others' safety, including my own." 5. "On an airplane, I saw a man berate the flight attendant because they let employees of the airline board before the customers. He was so angry because he 'paid for business select! They didn’t pay for crap, so why are they boarding before me!?'” 6. "My sister is a flight attendant. A well-known actress on board her flight expected the flight crew to change her kid's diaper. They didn't." 7. "I once watched a very well-dressed businessman have an epic toddler-level tantrum at a check-in counter when he was advised his flight was delayed due to fog. He literally screamed and jumped up and down and demanded that the airline 'better do something about it or ELSE!' The guy working behind the counter just smirked and suggested that the business guy was welcome to go outside and try and flap the fog away with his arms. The entire queue burst out laughing." 8. "I was a passenger on a flight to Egypt, and I saw some guy near me try to hand a flight attendant a cup of his son's piss. As you can imagine, she was not impressed and refused." 9. "Every so often, we get the odd straggler who boards last and finds a vacant seat in first or business, thinking that we won't know that they are from coach." 10. "I had a man and his small kid on a flight once, and during boarding, the man asked me for one of the first-class meals I was preparing, and I asked where he was sitting. Once, he said a row in the main cabin, I told him 'I’m sorry, but these are for first class, but we have food for purchase in the main cabin.' He then told me that his kid was hungry and demanded that we give him free food. I kept apologizing but told him the food was for purchase. He didn’t think it was fair that he had to pay for food because he had a hungry kid." 11. "I was a kid flying out to Utah to start my teen tour. About halfway through the flight (departing out of NY), the captain got on the speaker to announce that an engine had failed and that we needed to make an emergency landing in Chicago. Needless to say, we got a little concerned. Except for one passenger, who stormed up to the flight attendant and explained she was a nanny and needed to get to Utah to attend to the children she took care of. I'm not exactly sure what she was hoping, that the pilot, upon hearing that a babysitter was on board, would risk the lives of everyone to fly us all through or that the flight attendant would be so moved by this story that she would climb out on the wing and repair the engine mid-flight." 12. "I had a passenger a couple of rows in front of me aggressively asking the attendant for alcohol. We were still loading at the time. He was warned twice. Just as we were pushing back from the gate, he was given his final warning by the senior attendant. As she walked away, he swore at her. She turned around and told him we were going back to the gate, and he was getting off. And we did. 20 minutes for his luggage to go, and we were off again." 13. "A woman who boarded towards the end left her bag in the aisle, blocking everyone else trying to get on because she was looking for a place for her bag. She found a spot towards the back, put her hand in the air, and started snapping and hollering at me to get her bag for her. I went up to her and told her to get her bag out of the aisle, she got in my face and demanded that I needed to put it up. I told her I could not lift her bag for her she threw a fit. Finally, a nice gentleman helped her. Anyways after boarding she accused me of stealing her fur scarf, I didn’t. Then she called me a little blonde bitch. She was removed." 14. "I had a lady one time get mad at me because I wouldn’t give her my personal food I brought from home and paid for with my own money. She said she was hungry and she needed it. Nope." 15. And lastly, "We had a medical emergency in first class where a passenger passed out. We had to give him CPR and hook him up to an AED. So, two of us were with the man, and the other flight attendant was paging a doctor and communicating with the Captain. While this was going on, a passenger in the first row of the main cabin, who could clearly see everything going on, kept paging for a co*ke and getting VERY upset that we wouldn’t serve him." FAQs

    "Every so often, we get the odd straggler who boards last and finds a vacant seat in first or business, thinking that we won't know that they are from coach."

    by Ajani Bazile-DutesBuzzFeed Staff

    The stories they had truly were truly heinous. Here's what they had to say:

    1. "One time, a woman got quite angry because her daughter spilled apple juice all over herself, and there wasn't a clothes dryer on the plane for her daughter's sweater."


    Flight Attendants Are Sharing The Most Entitled Passengers They've Dealt With, And I'm Disgusted (3)


    2. "I was on a flight with really bad turbulence. It went on for about 10 minutes, then the old lady next to me reached up and pressed her button. The flight attendant walks over to see if the woman is okay; the woman begins to yell at the attendant for the rough flight and says that she’s been flying her whole life, and clearly, the pilot has no idea what he’s doing. The stewardess just walked away."


    3. "I was on a Vegas to Boston flight when a passenger passed away in his sleep. The whole situation was heartbreaking, and the flight attendants were clearly shaken. We stopped in NY for emergency personnel to attend to him. The whole process was very quick, and the pilot and staff handled it like champs. Just as we were about to take off, a guy in the front row asked the attendant if we would all get free drinks due to the inconvenience. I've never wanted to yell at a stranger so much in my life."


    Flight Attendants Are Sharing The Most Entitled Passengers They've Dealt With, And I'm Disgusted (4)


    4. "I watched someone have a meltdown because I had to have them properly stow their wedding dress. The thing was massive and spilled into the aisle, blocking the seats of the entire row. They may have had to pay the hotel to get the wrinkles out but I likely saved them from shoe prints and beverage cart rollers going back and forth over it. Still, she was in tears, and I was not going to risk others' safety, including my own."


    5. "On an airplane, I saw a man berate the flight attendant because they let employees of the airline board before the customers. He was so angry because he 'paid for business select! They didn’t pay for crap, so why are they boarding before me!?'”


    Flight Attendants Are Sharing The Most Entitled Passengers They've Dealt With, And I'm Disgusted (5)


    6. "My sister is a flight attendant. A well-known actress on board her flight expected the flight crew to change her kid's diaper. They didn't."


    7. "I once watched a very well-dressed businessman have an epic toddler-level tantrum at a check-in counter when he was advised his flight was delayed due to fog. He literally screamed and jumped up and down and demanded that the airline 'better do something about it or ELSE!' The guy working behind the counter just smirked and suggested that the business guy was welcome to go outside and try and flap the fog away with his arms. The entire queue burst out laughing."


    Flight Attendants Are Sharing The Most Entitled Passengers They've Dealt With, And I'm Disgusted (6)


    8. "I was a passenger on a flight to Egypt, and I saw some guy near me try to hand a flight attendant a cup of his son's piss. As you can imagine, she was not impressed and refused."


    9. "Every so often, we get the odd straggler who boards last and finds a vacant seat in first or business, thinking that we won't know that they are from coach."


    Flight Attendants Are Sharing The Most Entitled Passengers They've Dealt With, And I'm Disgusted (7)

    Warner Bros.

    10. "I had a man and his small kid on a flight once, and during boarding, the man asked me for one of the first-class meals I was preparing, and I asked where he was sitting. Once, he said a row in the main cabin, I told him 'I’m sorry, but these are for first class, but we have food for purchase in the main cabin.' He then told me that his kid was hungry and demanded that we give him free food. I kept apologizing but told him the food was for purchase. He didn’t think it was fair that he had to pay for food because he had a hungry kid."


    11. "I was a kid flying out to Utah to start my teen tour. About halfway through the flight (departing out of NY), the captain got on the speaker to announce that an engine had failed and that we needed to make an emergency landing in Chicago. Needless to say, we got a little concerned. Except for one passenger, who stormed up to the flight attendant and explained she was a nanny and needed to get to Utah to attend to the children she took care of. I'm not exactly sure what she was hoping, that the pilot, upon hearing that a babysitter was on board, would risk the lives of everyone to fly us all through or that the flight attendant would be so moved by this story that she would climb out on the wing and repair the engine mid-flight."


    Flight Attendants Are Sharing The Most Entitled Passengers They've Dealt With, And I'm Disgusted (8)


    12. "I had a passenger a couple of rows in front of me aggressively asking the attendant for alcohol. We were still loading at the time. He was warned twice. Just as we were pushing back from the gate, he was given his final warning by the senior attendant. As she walked away, he swore at her. She turned around and told him we were going back to the gate, and he was getting off. And we did. 20 minutes for his luggage to go, and we were off again."


    13. "A woman who boarded towards the end left her bag in the aisle, blocking everyone else trying to get on because she was looking for a place for her bag. She found a spot towards the back, put her hand in the air, and started snapping and hollering at me to get her bag for her. I went up to her and told her to get her bag out of the aisle, she got in my face and demanded that I needed to put it up. I told her I could not lift her bag for her she threw a fit. Finally, a nice gentleman helped her. Anyways after boarding she accused me of stealing her fur scarf, I didn’t. Then she called me a little blonde bitch. She was removed."


    Flight Attendants Are Sharing The Most Entitled Passengers They've Dealt With, And I'm Disgusted (9)


    14. "I had a lady one time get mad at me because I wouldn’t give her my personal food I brought from home and paid for with my own money. She said she was hungry and she needed it. Nope."


    15. And lastly, "We had a medical emergency in first class where a passenger passed out. We had to give him CPR and hook him up to an AED. So, two of us were with the man, and the other flight attendant was paging a doctor and communicating with the Captain. While this was going on, a passenger in the first row of the main cabin, who could clearly see everything going on, kept paging for a co*ke and getting VERY upset that we wouldn’t serve him."


    Flight Attendants Are Sharing The Most Entitled Passengers They've Dealt With, And I'm Disgusted (2024)


    Flight Attendants Are Sharing The Most Entitled Passengers They've Dealt With, And I'm Disgusted? ›

    Flight Attendants Are Sharing The Most Entitled Passengers They've Ever Had To Deal With, And I'm Disgusted. "Every so often, we get the odd straggler who boards last and finds a vacant seat in first or business, thinking that we won't know that they are from coach."

    What are the bad side of flight attendants? ›

    Flight attendants face various health risks due to the nature of their job, which involves frequent travel, irregular working hours, exposure to cosmic radiation, and dealing with multiple passengers and their potential illnesses.

    Is it illegal to ignore a flight attendant? ›

    Any time you disobey a crewmember's instructions, you run the risk of violating federal law. But civil penalties and criminal prosecutions usually result only when passengers repeatedly ignore, argue with, or disobey flight attendants; or when they act out in a way that is dangerous.

    How do I complain about a rude flight attendant? ›

    The rudeness of the flight attendant should have been the focus of the incident.
    1. If you are a frequent traveler with that airline, state it in the letter. ...
    2. Send a copy of your complaint to The Department of Transportation and the Aviation Consumer Action Project and let the airline know you're doing so.

    How to deal with disruptive passengers? ›

    9 Tips for Dealing with Difficult Passengers
    1. Keep it on the down-low. If a passenger raises a concern or looks as if they're about to cause a scene, respond in a calm, quiet manner. ...
    2. Switch it up. ...
    3. Use distraction. ...
    4. Talk to a colleague. ...
    5. Show compassion. ...
    6. Stop serving alcohol. ...
    7. Answer questions. ...
    8. Be kind to parents.

    What is the hardest airline to get a job with? ›

    One airline that does not mess around with background checks and drug testing is Delta; it's one of the hardest airlines to get into as a flight attendant for those who have anything less than a squeaky-clean background.

    Are flight attendants really necessary? ›

    Flight Attendants are aviation's first responders. We are trained for emergencies, and we work every flight for aviation safety first and foremost.”

    Who Cannot be a flight attendant? ›

    Flight attendants typically need a high school diploma or the equivalent and work experience in customer service. Applicants must meet minimum age requirements, typically 18 or 21; be eligible to work in the United States; have a valid passport; and pass a background check and drug test.

    What happens if you hit a flight attendant? ›

    What is the Penalty for Assaulting a Flight Crew Member? Assaulting a flight crew member is punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $250,000.

    What happens if you argue with a flight attendant? ›

    If you're disorderly, threatening or combative with gate agents, flight attendants or other passengers, you can be denied boarding. If you're already in the air, the airline can ban you from future flights, have the police remove you from the plane upon landing and possibly arrest you.

    What do flight attendants do with unruly passengers? ›

    In these cases, it is common for the Cabin Crew to enlist the support of travelling law enforcement personnel, or other able bodied passengers, to assist in restraining an unruly passenger.

    Is it worth complaining to an airline? ›

    Air travel isn't always fun. Things go wrong. And while you're unlikely to get compensated because a summer thunderstorm made your plane late, it's often worth complaining to the airlines and seeing what you can get for your travel inconveniences.

    What is a level 3 threat on an airplane? ›

    A Level 3 warning in an aircraft typically involves life-threatening behavior or display of a weapon. Bangor International Airport did not immediately respond to The Post's requests for a comment on the incident.

    How do flight attendants deal with challenging passengers? ›

    When dealing with a difficult passenger in aviation, it is important to remain calm, professional, and focused on ensuring the safety and security of all passengers on board. Flight crew members are trained to handle various challenging situations, including dealing with unruly or disruptive passengers.

    How do I deal with an angry airline passenger? ›

    1. 1 Listen actively. The first step to handling a passenger complaint is to listen actively and empathetically. ...
    2. 2 Apologize and offer solutions. ...
    3. 3 Follow up and thank. ...
    4. 4 Communicate with others. ...
    5. 5 Stay calm and positive. ...
    6. 6 Learn and improve. ...
    7. 7 Here's what else to consider.
    Dec 17, 2023

    What are the disadvantages of flight attendant? ›

    Here are some challenges flight attendants might encounter with tips for addressing them:
    • On-call scheduling. Flight attendants might work on an on-call or reserve basis. ...
    • Time away from home. ...
    • Weekend and holiday work. ...
    • Frequent time zone changes. ...
    • Passenger conflicts. ...
    • Limited growth opportunities. ...
    • In-person work. ...
    • Travel delays.
    Mar 3, 2023

    What are the problems with flight attendants? ›

    Irregular sleep, inadequate rest time, and long working hours contribute to physical and mental fatigue. Factors such as long duty days, night flights, and consecutive working days play a significant role in fatigue among flight attendants 2. Insomnia and work-related burnout negatively affect work ability 3.

    What is the most difficult thing of being a flight attendant? ›

    One of the most difficult parts of the job is managing the diverse needs of passengers. Each flight brings new faces, each with their own expectations. Cabin crew must remain patient and composed, even when faced with demanding or rude passengers. Another challenge is the irregular schedule.

    What are the leg problems for flight attendants? ›

    Circulation problems in the lower legs

    Flight attendants are required to sit or stand for a prolonged time during flights, facing circulation problems in the lower legs. Circulation problems, in severe conditions, may result in serious injuries, such as DVT or spider veins.

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    Author: Nathanial Hackett

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    Author information

    Name: Nathanial Hackett

    Birthday: 1997-10-09

    Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

    Phone: +9752624861224

    Job: Forward Technology Assistant

    Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

    Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.